Source code for openvpn_status.parser

from __future__ import absolute_import

from six import Iterator, next, text_type

from .models import Status, Client, Routing, GlobalStats
from .descriptors import iter_descriptors, AssignmentValueError

[docs]class LogParser(Iterator): """The parser for parsing OpenVPN status log. This kind of parser is stateful. So the :meth:`LogParser.parse` could be called once in the same instance of parser. """ list_separator = u',' line_separator = u'\n' terminator = u'END' def __init__(self, lines): self.lines = iter(lines) self._last_line = None self._rollback = False def __next__(self): if self._rollback: self._rollback = False return self._last_line while True: line = next(self.lines).strip() if line: self._last_line = line return line
[docs] @classmethod def fromstring(cls, content): """Creates a parser from content of log. :param str content: The log content. :return: The parser instance. """ return cls(content.strip().split(cls.line_separator))
def rollback(self): self._rollback = True def expect_line(self, content): try: line = next(self) except StopIteration: raise ParsingError('expected %r but got end of input' % content) if line != content: raise ParsingError('expected %r but got %r' % (content, line)) def expect_list(self): try: line = next(self) except StopIteration: raise ParsingError('expected list but got end of input') splited = line.split(self.list_separator) if len(splited) == 1: raise ParsingError('expected list but got %r' % line) return splited def expect_tuple(self, name): try: line = next(self) except StopIteration: raise ParsingError('expected 2-tuple but got end of input') splited = line.split(self.list_separator) if len(splited) != 2: raise ParsingError('expected 2-tuple but got %r' % line) if splited[0] != name: raise ParsingError('expected 2-tuple starting with %r' % name) return splited[1]
[docs] def parse(self): """Parses the status log. :raises ParsingError: if syntax error found in the log. :return: The :class:`.models.Status` with filled data. """ try: return self._parse() except AssignmentValueError as e: msg = text_type(e) \ .encode('ascii', 'backslashreplace') \ .decode('ascii') raise ParsingError('expected valid format: %s' % msg)
def _parse(self): status = Status() self.expect_line(Status.client_list.label) status.updated_at = self.expect_tuple(Status.updated_at.label) status.client_list.update({ text_type(c.real_address): c for c in self._parse_fields(Client, Status.routing_table.label)}) status.routing_table.update({ text_type(r.virtual_address): r for r in self._parse_fields(Routing, Status.global_stats.label)}) status.global_stats = GlobalStats() status.global_stats.max_bcast_mcast_queue_len = self.expect_tuple( GlobalStats.max_bcast_mcast_queue_len.label) self.expect_line(self.terminator) return status def _parse_fields(self, cls, next_line): labels = self.expect_list() descriptors = iter_descriptors(cls) label_to_name = { descriptor.label: name for name, descriptor in descriptors} index_to_name = { index: label_to_name[label] for index, label in enumerate(labels)} while True: try: values = self.expect_list() except ParsingError as list_error: try: self.rollback() self.expect_line(next_line) except ParsingError as line_error: raise ParsingError(*(list_error.args + line_error.args)) else: break instance = cls() for index, value in enumerate(values): name = index_to_name[index] setattr(instance, name, value) yield instance
[docs]class ParsingError(Exception): pass