Source code for openvpn_status.utils

from __future__ import unicode_literals, absolute_import

import datetime
import collections
import ipaddress

from six import python_2_unicode_compatible as unicode_compatible
from humanize.filesize import naturalsize


def parse_time(time):
    """Parses date and time from input string in OpenVPN logging format."""
    if isinstance(time, datetime.datetime):
        return time
    return datetime.datetime.strptime(time, DATETIME_FORMAT_OPENVPN)

def parse_peer(peer):
    if isinstance(peer, PeerAddress):
        return peer
    host, port = peer.rsplit(':', 1)
    return PeerAddress(ipaddress.ip_address(host), int(port))

def parse_filesize(size):
    if isinstance(size, FileSize):
        return size
    return FileSize(size)

[docs]class PeerAddress(collections.namedtuple('PeerAddress', 'host port')): """The address of peer entity. :param host: The host address of peer entity. :type host: :class:`~ipaddress.IPv4Address` or :class:`~ipaddress.IPv6Address` :param port: The port of peer entity. :type port: :class:`int` """ def __str__(self): return '{0}:{1}'.format(, self.port)
[docs]class FileSize(int): """The size of bytes.""" def __str__(self): return self.humanize()
[docs] def humanize(self, **kwargs): """Gets the human-friendly representation of file size. :param kwargs: All keyword arguments will be passed to :func:`humanize.filesize.naturalsize`. """ return naturalsize(self, **kwargs)